Joan Willingham Back

I live in Hampshire, near to the New Forest. Although I did study painting with The Open College of the Arts for three years I am mostly self taught and after trying all kinds of mediums and subject matter I have now found a way of painting which both suits and excites me.

I find it fascinating to collect together a few simple domestic objects from around my home, select a limited palette and create a spontaneous piece of work. The objects I paint are not the most important thing about my work and I never have a clear idea at the start as to how the work will look when finished. I am just attracted by the challenge of using shapes, texture and colour to attract the viewer and I now work exclusively in oils.

I belong to two local art groups and paint weekly with New Road Artists a group of abstract and contemporary artists. I have exhibited widely in Hampshire and in 2014 with the SWA and show my work with two local galleries.

Artists Work