After graduating in the early 1990’s with an illustration degree,
I stumbled into the greeting’s card industry. I eventually became a Senior Designer/Illustrator in a central London design studio. After 17 years in this role I decided to leave and pursue my real passion for painting. This was something that I had always tried to maintain in tandem with my working life.
My painting is a form of spiritual practice, a form of healing.
I am trying to connect back to the internal landscape of my eight year old self.
A place of equal fear and possibility, instinctual understanding and naivety.
My own way of understanding who I really am.
I am trying to ‘unlearn’ the past twenty five years of being a commercial illustrator and return to becoming a visual outsider. To trust myself as an artist
with my own visual vocabulary. Biblical, mythical and tribal themes combine with my own childhood memory and dreams. This process is on-going.