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It is with the greatest sadness that Linda, Georgie and Tim have to advise you that Noel passed away at 4.10pm yesterday at the grand old age of 96 in bed whilst asleep in her room at her wonderful nursing home in Chiswick which had been her happy home for the last four years.

She had tested positive for Covid-19 a couple of weeks ago and became mildly symptomatic just after New Year’s Day. Since then there has been a rapid deterioration in her condition caused by this vile disease, but she is now at peace.

Being in lockdown it will not be possible to have a traditional funeral or wake but when it is safe for us all to get together again later this year, we plan to celebrate Noel’s extraordinary life with all her friends and family. We will be in touch in due course.

Meanwhile, eight years ago, Peter, Tim’s son, put together this mini-documentary about Noel which is a happy, enduring memory: I thought you would find it interesting as it is all about her painting.Noel Barker was born in Leeds, Yorkshire. After a busy life working for the famous specialist in flower arrangement, Constance Spry, acting as a professional organiser of parties and social events and raising a family, Noel Barker turned to painting in 1976. Then what had started as an instant enthusiasm became a full time activity.

Noel Barker, a self taught “Naive” feels that she has learnt a great deal (from herself) in her first five years as a painter. Her pictures, which have verged on the primitive style, have become steadily more complex, and their humour, which had a simplistic flavour, has developed in both character and wit; the paintwork too has become increasingly precise.

Noel Barker started painting in her 50’s and although she has no formal training she has developed a distinctive style of her own, which has proved very popular with the art establishment and the picture buying public.

Noel Barker has exhibited nationally and internationally and her pictures are collected worldwide.

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