Originally, I was told as a child that I could not draw as my map of Italy looked like a boot!
Several years ago, 2016, I started with symbolic paintings, divinely inspired. I used oil pastels and changed to oil paints. I enjoyed new challenges and discovered the side effect was that painting was improving my mental health, having had a history of depression. I found that inspiration and creativity started to flow again in my life and learned that I was, in fact, opening new neural pathways in my brain!
I listened to relaxing music while painting which created a peaceful atmosphere where minutes would turn into hours, and sometimes for 5 to 6 hours at a time.
I was also inspired to paint Tasmanian landscapes as my son and his family had moved to Tasmania and I was amazed at the dramatic scenery and colourful seas and sunsets when he sent photographs he had taken on the family’s adventures!
I am now 70 years young and am enjoying painting more than ever, and I believe everyone was created to CREATE!