ABNA stands for the Association of British Naive Artists. It was formed in 2002 by Peter Denham who had an article published in a leading art magazine back in February 2003 that prompted some hitherto unknown naive painters as well as some better known naive painters to write and ask about membership of the new Association. He had a dream which was to bring naive art more credibility in the art world, and to strive to have a museum for British Naive Art somewhere in the British Isles. Sadly Peter became ill in the summer and died on Christmas Day of the same year. He had so much still to achieve and so the members now numbering over 40 intend to make the vision a reality.
The Association attempts to achieve it’s aims with their own exhibitions, promoting its members exhibitions and encouraging members in their work. Judy Joel is Director and Secretary and oversees the Association generally. If you are interested in learning more about ABNA’s work or would like to become a member please get in touch via our Contact Us button or fill the Join Us page for membership details.
The Association attempts to achieve it’s aims with their own exhibitions, promoting its members exhibitions and encouraging members in their work. Judy Joel is Director and Secretary and oversees the Association generally. If you are interested in learning more about ABNA’s work or would like to become a member please get in touch via our Contact Us button or fill the Join Us page for membership details.
The Association attempts to achieve it’s aims with their own exhibitions, promoting its members exhibitions and encouraging members in their work. Judy Joel is Director and Secretary and oversees the Association generally. If you are interested in learning more about ABNA’s work or would like to become a member please get in touch via our Contact Us button or fill the Join Us page for membership details.
The Association attempts to achieve it’s aims with their own exhibitions, promoting its members exhibitions and encouraging members in their work. Judy Joel is Director and Secretary and oversees the Association generally. If you are interested in learning more about ABNA’s work or would like to become a member please get in touch via our Contact Us button or fill the Join Us page for membership details.
The Association attempts to achieve it’s aims with their own exhibitions, promoting its members exhibitions and encouraging members in their work. Judy Joel is Director and Secretary and oversees the Association generally. If you are interested in learning more about ABNA’s work or would like to become a member please get in touch via our Contact Us button or fill the Join Us page for membership details.